Go to the end to download the full example code.
Detection Function Plotting#
This example shows how to visualise detection functions (curves), e.g. when working with diffraction stacking detection.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import norm
from fracspy.visualisation.plotting_support import detection_curves
from fracspy.detection.stacking import stalta
Create simple dataset#
Here we generate a purely synthetic function which would look like a maximum stack function
# Parameters
dt = 0.004 # time step in seconds
duration = 1.0 # total duration of the signal in seconds
t = np.arange(0, duration, dt) # time array
# Gaussian function parameters: mean, standard deviation, maximum
gaussian_params = [
{"mean": 0.1, "std": 0.01, "height": 1}, # First peak
{"mean": 0.5, "std": 0.01, "height": 0.3}, # Second peak
{"mean": 0.8, "std": 0.01, "height": 0.9}, # Third peak
# Create the signal with constant level of 1
signal = np.zeros_like(t) + 1
# Add each Gaussian peak to the signal
for params in gaussian_params:
gaussian = params["height"] * norm.pdf(t, params["mean"], params["std"])
signal += gaussian
# Generate random background noise between 0 and 5
random_noise = np.random.uniform(0, 5, size=len(t))
# Add the random background noise to the signal
signal += random_noise
Plot the function#
Get Short Term Average / Long Term Average (STA/LTA)#
Set parameters
Plot both the signal and the STA/LTA#
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.258 seconds)