Source code for fracspy.location.imaging

import numpy as np
import torch 
from scipy.sparse.linalg import lsqr
import pylops
from pylops.optimization.sparsity import *
from import tqdm
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import StepLR
from fracspy.location.utils import get_max_locs

[docs] def lsi(data, n_xyz, Op, niter=100, nforhc=10, verbose=False): """Least-squares imaging for microseismic source location This routine performs imaging of microseismic data by least-squares inversion using a Kirchhoff modelling operator. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Data of shape :math`n_r \times n_t` n_xyz : :obj:`tuple` Number of grid points in X-, Y-, and Z-axes for the imaging area Op : :obj:`pyfrac.modelling.kirchhoff.Kirchhoff` Kirchhoff operator niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations for inversion nforhc : :obj:`int`, optional Number of points for hypocenter verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional Verbosity (if ``True``, show iteration progression of the :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` solver) Returns ------- inv : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted volume hc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Estimated hypocentral location """ nx, ny, nz = n_xyz inv = (lsqr(Op, data.ravel(), iter_lim=niter, show=verbose)[0]).reshape(nx, ny, nz) hc, _ = get_max_locs(inv, n_max=nforhc, rem_edge=False) return inv, hc
[docs] def sparselsi(data, n_xyz, Op, niter=100, l1eps=1e2, nforhc=10, verbose=False): """Sparsity-promoting imaging for microseismic source location This routine performs imaging of microseismic data by sparsity-promoting inversion using a Kirchhoff modelling operator. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Data of shape :math`n_r \times n_t` n_xyz : :obj:`tuple` Number of grid points in X-, Y-, and Z-axes for the imaging area Op : :obj:`pyfrac.modelling.kirchhoff.Kirchhoff` Kirchhoff operator niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations for inversion l1eps : :obj:`float`, optional Weight of the L1 regularization term nforhc : :obj:`int`, optional Number of points for hypocenter verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional Verbosity (if ``True``, show iteration progression of the :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr` solver) Returns ------- inv : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted volume hc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Estimated hypocentral location """ nx, ny, nz = n_xyz with pylops.disabled_ndarray_multiplication(): inv = fista(Op, data.flatten(), niter=niter, eps=l1eps, show=verbose)[0].reshape(nx, ny, nz) hc, _ = get_max_locs(inv, n_max=nforhc, rem_edge=False) return inv, hc
def xcorr_of(x, y): """Pearson correlation coefficient Compute the Pearson correlation coefficient between two datasets Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`torch.Tensor` First dataset y : :obj:`torch.Tensor` Second dataset Returns ------- r2 : :obj:`float` Pearson correlation coefficient """ x = x / torch.linalg.norm(x) y = y / torch.linalg.norm(y) r2 = - torch.sum(torch.mul(x, y)) return r2
[docs] def xcorri(data, n_xyz, Op, niter=100, l1eps=8e-1, lr=1e-5, nforhc=10): """Cross-correlation-based imaging for microseismic source location This routine performs imaging of microseismic data by inversion using an objective function based on the Pearson correlation coefficient. This idea is borrowed from the field of seismic migration, and more specifically from [1]_, and is intended to create a location algorithm that is less sensitive to inaccuracies in the knowledge of the source signature. .. [1] Zhang, Y., and Duan, L., and Xie, Y. "A stable and practical implementation of least-squares reverse time migration", Geophysics, Vol. 80, 1, pp. 1JF-Z39, 2015. Parameters ---------- data : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Data of shape :math`n_r \times n_t` n_xyz : :obj:`tuple` Number of grid points in X-, Y-, and Z-axes for the imaging area Op : :obj:` pyfrac.modelling.kirchhoff.Kirchhoff` Kirchhoff operator niter : :obj:`int`, optional Number of iterations l1eps : :obj:`float`, optional Weight of the L1 regularization term lr : :obj:`int`, optional Learning rate used by the optimizer nforhc : :obj:`int`, optional Number of points for hypocenter Returns ------- mls_torch : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Migrated volume hc : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Estimated hypocentral location dls_torch : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Predicted data volume losshist : :obj:`list` Loss history """ # Initialise with migrated image migrated = (Op.H @ data).reshape(n_xyz) dmigrated = Op @ migrated.ravel() scaling = data.max() / dmigrated.max() m = torch.from_numpy(migrated.copy().ravel() * scaling) m.requires_grad = True # make sure we compute the gradient with respect to m # Initialise torch operator and torch tensors TOp = pylops.TorchOperator(Op) dobs = torch.from_numpy(data.copy().ravel()) # Optimization optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([m], lr=lr) scheduler = StepLR(optimizer, step_size=20, gamma=0.5) losshist = np.zeros(niter) pbar = tqdm(range(niter)) for i in pbar: optimizer.zero_grad() d = TOp(m) # data term lossd = xcorr_of(d, dobs) # L1 regularization reg = 0. if l1eps > 0: reg = torch.sum(torch.abs(m)) # total loss loss = lossd + l1eps * reg loss.backward() optimizer.step() scheduler.step() losshist[i] = loss.item() pbar.set_postfix({"Data Loss": lossd.item(), "L1reg Loss": reg.item(), "Total Loss": loss.item()}) dls_torch = d.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(data.shape) mls_torch = m.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(n_xyz) hc, hcs = get_max_locs(mls_torch, n_max=nforhc, rem_edge=False) return mls_torch, hc, dls_torch, losshist